Flat in Sahapur, Kolkata Aditya Birla Housing Finance Aditya Birla Housing Finance


    Borrower Name
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    Aditya Birla Housing Finance
    Property Type
    FIRST SCHEDULE (SAID PREMISES):- ALL THAT piece and parcel of land containing an area of 405.518 sq. mtr. or 6 Cottahs 1 Chittack, more or less, forming part of R.S. Dag no. 93 under R.S. Khatian no. 268 in Mouza Punja Sahapur, J.L. no. 9, Touzi no. 101 under Police Station Betala in the district of South 24- Parganas comprised in present municipal premises No. 47, Buroshibtolla Main Road, Kolkata 700038 under municipal ward No. 118 within the limits of the Kolkata Municipal No. 411180300460 butted BY: Premises No.48 Buroshibtolla Main Road ON THE EAST BY: Buroshibtolla Main Road ON THE SOUTH BY: Premises No. 10, Buroshibtolla Main Road ON THE WEST BY: Premises No.60/6, S.N.Roy Road. ALL THAT one self contained independent and composite residential SECOND SCHEDULE (FLAT AND CAR PARKING SPACE):- Flat no. 5 measuring about 1184 square feet super built up area, more or less on the front side of the third floor of the building TOGETHER WITH one Covered Car Parking Space on the Ground Floor of the said building named and known as Tarini Rose' (5 years old) lying situate at or upon the land of the Said Premises which are more fully described in the First Schedule written above ALONG WITH undivided, impartible and proportionate share of right, title and interest in the land comprised in the 'Said Premises' attributable the aforesaid flat/unit TOGETHER WITH common rights in the common areas and facilities of the said building/said Premises and the properties appurtenant thereto for beneficial use and enjoyment of aforesaid flat and the car parking space and the said flat consists of three bed rooms, one drawing cum dining, two toilets, one kitchen and one verandah and the said flat is also delineated in the map or plan annexed with this deed and bordered in colour 'red' thereon THIRD SCHEDULE (COMMON AREAS, FACIL- ITIES AND AMENITIES) a) Entrance and Exit Gate of the Premises b) Paths passages and driveways in the Premises other than those reserved for parking of Motor Cars or any other purpose c) Entrance Lobby in the Ground Floor d) Covered driveway (if any) in the Ground Floor of the Building e) Staircase of the Building along with their full and half landings with stair cover on the ulti- mate roof f) Ultimate roof of the Building with patches of green thereon g) One 5 passengers lift having collapsible gates along with lift g) shaft and Lift machine room and the stairs from the ulti- mate roof leading to the lift machine room. h) Multi-use area in the Ground floor of the Building i) Concealed Electrical wiring and Fittings and Fixtures for lighting the staircases, lobby and landings and operating the lifts and separate electric meters and meter room in the Ground Floor of the Building j) Water Pump with motor and with water supply pipes to overhead water tank and with dis- tribution pipes there form connecting to different flats. k) Underground water reservoir for Municipal water. I) Water waste and sewerage evacuation pipes from the Units to drains and sewers com- mon to the building and from the Building to the Municipal Drain m) Common Bath/Toilet in Ground Floor of the Building. n) Room for Darwan Security Guard in the Ground Floor on the building. o) Requisite arrangement of Intercom with connections to each individual Flats from the Ground Floor. p) Boundary Walls. q) Generator. SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE (SAID PREMISES) ALL THAT piece and parcel of land containing an area of 405.518 sq. mtr. or 6 Cottahs 1 Chittack, more or less, forming part of R.S. Dag no. 93 under R.S. Khatian no. 268 in Mouza Punja Sahapur, J.L. no. 9, Touzi no. 101 under Police Station Behala in the district of South 24- Parganas comprised in present municipal premises No. 47, Buroshibtolla Main Road, Kolkata 700038 under munic- ipal ward No. 118 within the limits of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation vide KMC Assessee No. 411180300460 and the said premises is butted and bounded as under: ON THE NORTH BY: Premises No.48, Buroshibtolla Main Road. ON THE EAST BY: Buroshibtolla Main Road. ON THE SOUTH BY: Premises No.10, Buroshibtolla Main Road. ON THE WEST BY: Premises No 60/6, S.N.Roy Road. SECOND SCHEDULE (FLAT AND CAR PARKING SPACE):- THAT piece and parcel of self-contained independent and Composite Residential Flat No. 6 on the back side of the third floor, containing a super built-up area of 1292 Sq. ft., be the same little more or less, of the building TOGETHER WITH one Covered Car Parking Space on the ground floor of the said building named as Tarini Rose (5 years old) lying situate at or upon the land of the Said Premises which are more fully described in the First Schedule written above ALONG WITH undivided, impart- ible and proportionate share of right, title and interest in the land comprised in the Said Premises attributable to the said flat TOGETHER WITH common rights in the common areas and facilities of the said building/said premises and the properties appurtenant thereto and the said flat consists of three bed rooms, one drawing cum dining two toilets, one kitchen and one verandah and the said flat is also delineated in the map or plan annexed with this deed and bordered in colour 'red' thereon. THIRD SCHEDULE (COMMON AREAS, FACILITIES AND AMENITIES) a) Entrance and Exit gates of the Premises b) Paths passages and driveways in the Premises other than those reserved for parking of Motor Cars or any other purpose. c) Entrance Lobby in the Ground Floor d) Covered driveway (if any) in the Ground Floor of the Building..
    1292 Sq Ft
    Sahapur, Kolkata
    Reserve Price
    Reserve Price (per Sq Ft)
    10,549 per Sq Ft
    Emd Amount
    EMD submission
    Tue, 22 Oct 2024 12:00 AM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Wed, 23 Oct 2024
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    Inspection Date & Time
    21-10-2024 11:00 am to 04:00 pm
    Bank Contact Details
    ABHFL Authorized Officer Sital Basu (9925009140 ) / Sunil Dubey (9836237000) / Girijesh Maurya (9811892607)
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