All that pleace and parcel of a Shop No. A/1. Having built up area 10-22 Sq. mtrs i.e. 110-00 Sq. ft and Super built up area 15-98 Sq. mtrs i.e. 172-00 Sq. ft, on Ground Floor in the Building known as Krishna Avenue Constructed on NA land 139-57 sq. mtrs of Plot No. 112 in the area known as Patel Park -3, of Jamnagar Revenue survey No. 1236 Paikee Jamnagar City Survey Ward No. 13. Sheet No. 520, city Survey No. 372/1/112 situated at Jamnagar city within the Limits of JMC Sub- Dist & Regi Dist Jamngar in the state of Gujarat Bounded as East-Shop - No. A/2, West-Margin - & Road, North-Road - South -Parking -