Property-1: All that Piece and Parcel of The Property No. Flat "2A" On The 2nd Floor Of "Urmila Tower", South-West Side, Floor- Mosaic, Containing An Area of 1341 sq. ft., Super Built Up area be the same a little more or less consisting of 3 bed rooms, 1drawing cum dining, 1 kitchen, 2 Toilets and Balcony of the building built and constructed at or upon the plot of land measuring about cottahs, 9 Chittacks and 34 sq. ft, lying and situated at Mouza Satgachi, JI No. 20, R No. 154, Touzil No. 161, Dag No. 6598, L R Dag No. 6608, Corresponding to Khatian No. 1703, Within the Municipal limit of South Dum Dum Municipality being Premises No. 131/1, Bauihati road, being Holding No. 102, Presently 102 & 102/3, Bauihati Road, Kolkata-700 028 Ward No. 526, Under Policestation Dum Dum, in the District 24 Parganas (North) Presently known and Numbered as Municipal Premises No. 102/3, Baguihati, 2nd lane, under Municipal Ward No. 26, Within elimits ofSouth Dum Dum Municipality and within the Local Jurisdiction of S.R. Cossipore Dum Dum, butted and Bounded by East by House of Subhash Majumdar; -West by: Feet Wide Road, Baguihati 2ed Lane (Ambagan); North By : Land of Sunil Sen, Shyamal Sen & R. G. Party Club South By By 8 Feet Wide Common Passage. Property-2 All that Piece and Parcel of The Property No. Flat "28" On The 2nd Floor Of "Urmila Tower", South-East Side, Floor- Mosaic, Containing An Area of 987sq ft., Super Built Up area be the samea little moreorless consisting of 3 bed rooms, drawing cum dining, 1 kitchen, 2 Toilets and 1Balcony of the building built and constructed at or upon the plot of land measuring about cottahs, 9 Chittacks and 34 sq. ft, lying and situated at Mouza: Satgachi, JI No. 20, R S. No. 154 Touzi No. 161, R.S. Dag No. 6598, L R Dag No. 6608, Corresponding to Khatian No. 1703, within the Municipal limit of South Dum Dum Municipality, being Premises No. 131/1, Bauihati road, being Holding No. 102, Presently 102 & 102/3, Bauihati Road, Kolkata-700 028 Ward No. 526, Under Policestation Dum Dum, in the District 24 Parganas (North) Presently known and Numbered as Municipal Premises No. 102/3, Baguihati, 2nd lane, under Municipal Ward No. 26, Wi thin elimits ofSouth Dum Dum Municipality and within the Local Jurisdiction of S.R. Cossipore Dum Dum, butted and Bounded by: East by House of Subhash Majumdar; West by By20' Feet Road, Baguihati Lane (Ambagan); North By : Land of Sunil Sen, Shyama Sen & G. tyClub; South By: By 8 Feet Wide Common Passage.