Details of the Secured Assets All that piece and parcel of vacant land in Sy. No. 645/1B, 645/2, 646/1A, 647/1B, 647/3A, 648/2A1, 648/3A1, 649/1B, 649/2B, 652/2B, 655/1, 659/1, 663/2, 664/2A, 664/4B, 664/5A, 665/2A and 662/2, Kandiaperi Village, Gandhi Nagar, Tirunelveli Talulk to the extent of 21.06 acres belonging to Mr. K.V.R. Kousigan (Part 1); and All that piece and parcel of vacant land in Sy. No. 660/2, 661/1A, 661/3B, 661/4A, 664/1B, 665/1A, 666/1A1 and 667/1A, V Villene Candhi Negan Tabulla - the entent