PROPERTY CONSTITUTING THE PROJECT "LANDSTAR PINNACLE" Details of the Project Land on which Units to be auctioned:- Project known as "Pinnacle" situated at Sy No: 79/2 admeasuring 1 Acre, Survey no. 80/4, admeasuring 23 Guntas, Hirandahalli Village, Bidarahalli Hobli, Bengaluru, together totally admeasuring 1 Acre 23 Guntas along with present & future construction thereon including proportionate undivided share of land, excluding sold and registered units and landowner's share. East by Survey No.78; West by Survey Nos. 79/1 and 80/3; North by Road; South by Survey No. 79/1; The details of the individual Units to be Auctioned: Sr. No. Possession 3 26-12-2023 003 Gr. 749