PRIMARY 1. Hypothecation & Charge on fixed assets of the Company, existing, proposed and all future acquisitions.
2. Hypothecation & charge on all current assets of the company,
All that lease hold rights on the property of piece of land known as plot Nos. S, T, W, W1, 01 & 02. of Kapujaggaruju peta at Phase III, VSEZ, Visakhapatnam, by admeasurements of 66,404 Sq.Mts thereabouts and bounded as follows i.e. to say Survey Nos. 141 & 145:
Note: 1) Lease agreement due for renewal.
2 Statutery dues of VSEZ authority at Visakhapatnam.
S.No. 1 On or towards the North Say for the plot S&T VSEZ water tank Compound wall. On or towards the South say HBL Power Systems. On or towards the East say VSEZ compound wall. On or towards the West say Main Road of VSEZ
S.No. 2 On or towards the North Say for the plat W,W1,01&02- Compound Wall On or towards the South say Kusalava international. On er towards the East say Main Road of VSEZ On or towards the West say Service Road