1. Property 01 Item 1: All that piece and parcel of the land and building, in plot no & Eastern Poerion of Plot No.5 bearing Door.No.56 Marthu Pandiar Street, Thirunagar, Madurai 625 006 Ward No 12. measuring 2959 Sq.ft., comprised in Re-Survey No 97/6 Re-Survey No.97/4. situated at Thirupparankundram Village, Madurai South District of Thirupparankundram and the Registration District of Madural South. Item 2 Schedule of the Property All that piece and parcel of the Land and Building in western portion of Plot.No.5 bearing Door No.56, Maruthu Pandiar Street, Thirunagar Madurai 625006 Ward No. 12. measuring 1625 Sq.ft. comprised in Re-Survey No 97/6, Re Survey No. 97/4. situate at Thirupparankundram Vilage, Madurai South Taluk, District of Thiurpparankundram and Registration Dstrict of Madurai South. Both the schedule Totaling to 4584 Sq.ft
contact Mr. Gurunathan, 9176500311 (Mob), gurunathan solaiappan@arcil CO in . Mr. Yuvek J. 9962005554 (Mob). yuvek j@arcil.co.i Mr. Meraj Sayed, 9820485425 (Mob). meraj sayed@arcil CO in