All that piece and parcel of undivided land admeasuring 1605 sq.mtrs, out of freehold non-agricultural land situate, lying and being at Tej Enclave, Opposite Gandhigram Railway Station, Ellis bridge, Ahmedabad and Sub-District of Ahmedabad - 3 (Memnagar) and part of Sub-Plot No. 1-A, 2, 3 & 5 of Final Plot No. 508 of Town Planning, Scheme No. 3/5 (varied) admeasuring 826 sq.mtrs., 1045 sq.mtrs., 1087 sq.mtrs., and 252 sq.mtrs., respectively collectively 3210 sq.mtrs. i.e. 3829.16 sq.yds. or thereabouts together with a portion of basement admeasuring 7119 sq.ft. (Built-up area), Entire Ground Floor and First each admeasuring 14500 sq.ft. (Built-up area) in a Building known as "Tej Enclave" and an exclusive front open space of 9300 sq.ft. on Southern side of the said Tej Enclave and the said property is bounded as follows:- On or towards the East by: Final Plot No. 509, On or towards the West by: Road, On or towards the North by : Road, On or towards the South by: Final Plot No. 512.