SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY : All that piece and parcel of plot measuring 2510 square feet, bearing Plot No. 22A, situated at Old Village No. 128, 99, 87 New Village No. 1 Anakaputhur Village, Ragavendra Koil Street, comprised in Survey No. 18/3 (part), Old Patta No. 2863, New Patta No. 4230 and Sub-Division Survey No. 18/10B, in Alandur Taluk, now Pallavaram Taluk, Kancheepuram District, within the Registration District of Chennai South and Sub-Registration District of Pammal. Bounded on the:- North by : Plot No. 22 Senivasan Balaji Vacant land, South by : Plot No. 23, East by : Ragavendra Koil Street, West by : Survey No. 18/4 Vacant land. Measuring on the:- East to West on the Northern Side - 69 Feet; East to West on the Southern Side - 64 Feet; North to South on the Eastern Side - 40.5 Feet; North to South on the Western Side - 35 Feet. SCHEDULE- B 363 Square feet Undivided share of land in the above 'A' schedule mentioned property and flat to be construct In Second Floor, Flat No. S2, in flat named as "Ram Flats' having a plinth are of 694 Square feet.