All that pieces and parcels of immovable property of Shop No.1 admeasuring 232 square feet on Ground Floor along with mezzanine floor admeasuring 405 square feet of Scheme Known As "Ekta Complex", of The Shreyash Owners Association lying and situated at City Survey No.4626 of Mouje: Kalupur-I of Taluka: City of Ahmedabad District in the name of Shri Pravin Kishorkumar Jain. All that pieces and parcels of immovable property of Shop No. 7 admeasuring 48 square feet and Shop No. 8 admeasuring 57 square feet on Ground Floor, of Scheme Known As "Ekta Complex" of The Shreyash Owners Association lying and situated at city survey No.4626 of Mouje: Kalupur-1 of Taluka: City of Ahmedabad District in the name of Shri Pravin Kishorkumar Jain. All that pieces and parcels of immovable property of Shop Cellar on Mezzanine floor admeasuring 656 square feet and 500 square feet of Scheme Known As "Ekta Complex", of The Shreyash Owners Association lying and situated at city Survey No 4626 of Mouje: Kalupur-1 of Taluka: City of Ahmedabad District in name of Shri Pravin Kisharkumar Jain. All that pieces and parcels of immovable property of Shop No.21 admeasuring 57 square feet on Mezzanine Floor of Scheme Known As "Ekta Complex", of The Shrey ash Owners Association lying and situated at City Survey No. 4626 of Mouje: Kalupur-1 of Taluka: City of Ahmedabad Districtin the name of Smt. Prabha Pravinbhai Jain