SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY : SCHEDULE "A" All that piece and parcel of Vacant House Site, bearing Middle Portion of Plot No. 103, measuring an extent of 620 Square Feet, (or) 57.62 Square Meter (Out of Square Feet 2596) or 241.26 Square Meter Comprised in Survey No.3/2A2, in the layout named 'SRI SAI NAGAR' approved by L.P./D.T.C.P.No.57/2013, situated in No.86 Walajabad Village, Walajabad Taluk, Kancheepuram District. BOUNDED ON THE:- NORTH BY: Plot No. 103 (Part), SOUTH By : 30 Feet Road, EAST BY : Plot No. 103 (Part), WEST BY Plot No. 103 (Part) MEASURING ON THE: - NORTH BY 20' 0" (6.10) Meter; SOUTH BY 20 6" (6.25) Meter; EAST BY 33 3" (10.14) Meter; WEST BY: 28' 9" (8.76) Meter. The above property is situated within the Walajabad Panchayat Union Limits and within the Registration District of Kancheepuram and Registration Sub Walajabad. SCHEDULE "B" Residential House space measuring 400 sq. ft., on thereabouts of super built up area, of the building being construction over the Schedule "A".