All that piece and parcel of land with all other improvements /building /appurtenances therein
having an Total extent of 1.62 Ares in Re-Survey No.373/2/4/2 (Old-Survey No.285/1 C ) in Block
No.6 Of Malayinkeezhu Village situated at Kattakkada Taluk, Malayinkeezhu Sub District,
Trivandrum District and rights thereto morefully described under Sale Deed Registered in
Malayinkeezhu Sub Registrar Office.
East : Property of Madhavan Potti
North: Property of Vijayakumaran Nair and Potti
West : Canal
South: Property of Sreekantan Nair
For detailed terms and conditions of the sale please refer to the link provided in the secured creditor's website i.e.