Land in Nellikuppam, Kanchipuram Axis Bank Axis Bank


    Borrower Name
    Mr. Muruganadam
    Bank Name
    Axis Bank
    Property Type
    SCHEDULE-A Item No.1 All that piece and parcel of land in 100, Nellikuppam Village, Chengleput Taluk, Kancheepuram District, comprised in Survey No.385/1B of the extent of 4 Acres 49 cents, Survey No.385/2A of the extent of 25 cents, Survey No.383/9 of the extent of 35 Cents, Survey No.385/2D of the extent of 25 cents, Survey No.383/4 of the extent of 16 cents, Survey No.382/2 of the extent of 1 Acre 5 Cents, Survey No.382/1 of the extent of 52 Cents, Survey No.380/3A of the extent of 35 Cents, Survey No.379/3 of the extent of 16 cents, Survey No.379/9 of the extent of 23 cents, Survey No.379/9 of the extent of 80 cents, Survey No.379/5 of the extent of 9 Cents, Survey No.383/3 of the extent of 8 cents, Survey No.384/4 of the extent of 48 ½ cents, Survey No.379/8 of the extent of 47 cents, Survey No.383/1 of the extent of 14 cents, Survey No.383/8 of the extent of 41 cents, Survey No.384/1 of the extent of 9 cents, Survey No.384/3 of the extent of 19 cents Survey No.379/1 of the extent of 67 cents, Survey No.379/5 of the extent of 9 cents, Survey No.383/3 of the extent of 9 cents, Survey No.383/3 of the extent of 8 cents, Survey No.384/4 of the extent of 49 cents, Survey No.383/2 of an extent of 14 Cents, Survey No.384/2 of an extent of 26 Cents, Survey No.385/2D of an extent of 48 Cents, Survey No.384/10 of the extent of 10 cents, Survey No.379/2 of the extent of 23 ½ cents, survey No.379/4 of the extent of 49 cents, Survey No.380/3B of the extent of 70 cents of the total extent of 1 acre 52 ½ Cents, S.No.360/9 of an extent of 66 cents, S.No.360/9 of an extent of 4 Cents out of common share 8 cents and S.No.378/7, of an extent of 4 Cents, Survey No.385/3C2, of an extent of 3.15 Acres, 89 Cents out of the total extent of 178 Cents, comprised in S.No.378/5 of an extent of 58Cents , S.No.378/6, of an extent of 74 Cents, S.No.378/7 of an extent of 18 Cents, S.No.378/8 of an extent of 28 Cents S.No.360/9C of an extent of 1 Acre 57 Cents, S.No.360/9B of an extent of 3 ¾ Cents S.No.380/1 of an extent of 2 Acre 45 Cents, S.No.378/1 of an extent of 54.5 Cents and S.No.378/2 of an extent of 55.5 Cents, Survey No.385/1B2, of the extent of 4 Acres 22 Cents S.No.385/1A, of an extent of 1 Acre 57 Cents, S.No.360/9B of an extent of 3 ¾ Cents S.No.380/1 of an extent of 2 Acre 45 Cents, S.NO.378/1 of an extent of 54.5 Cents and S.No.378/2 of an extent of 55.5 Cents, Survey No.385/1B2, of the extent of 4 Acres 22 Cents S.No.385/1A, of an extent of 2 Acre 70 Cents S.No.385/2D, of an extent of 75 cents totaling 31 Acres 90 ¾ Cents as per Document and 12 Hectares 85.21 Acres as per patta situate within the Registration Sub-District of Thiruporur and Registration District of Chengleput. Item No.2 All that piece and parcel of land in 100, Nellikuppam Village, Chengleput Taluk, Kancheepuram District, comprised in Survey No.378/3 of the extent of 23.5 Ares, Survey No.378/4, of an extent of 20 Ares, Survey No.379/10, of an extent of 20 Ares, Survey No.379/11A, of an extent of 6.50 Ares, Survey No.379/12B, of an extent of 5 Ares, Survey No.379/12, of an extent of 7.50 Ares, Survey No.379/14, of an extent of 20 Ares, Survey No.379/15A, of an extent 12.50 Ares, Survey No.383/11, of an extent of 9 Ares, Survey No.383/12, of an extent of 5.50 Ares, Survey No.383/13, of an extent 28.50 Ares, Survey No.383/14, of an extent of 7.50 Ares, Survey No.383/5, of an extent of 7.50 Ares, Survey No.383/6, of an extent of 48 Ares, Survey No.383/5, of an extent of 7.50 Ares, Survey No.383/6, of an extent of 48 Ares, Survey No.383/7, of an extent of 8 Ares, Survey No.384/11, of an extent of 4 Ares, Survey No.384/12, of an extent of 7.50 Ares, Survey No.384/13, of an extent of 14 Ares, Survey No.384/14, of an extent of 5 Ares, Survey No.384/13, of an extent of 14 Ares, Survey No.384/14, of an extent of 3.50 Ares, Survey No.384/8B, of an extent of 2.50 Ares, Survey No.384/9, of an extent of 8 Ares, Survey No.385/1B3,of an extent of 52.5 Ares, Survey No.385/1C, of an extent of 1 Hectares and 82.2 Ares, Survey No.385/2C, of an extent of 10 Ares, Survey No.383/10, of an extent of 1.61 Ares, Survey No.385/2B, of an extent of 20 Ares, Survey No.378/6 of an extent of 9 Ares, Survey No.475 of an extent of 41.50 Ares survey No.476 of an extent of 41.50 Ares totaling 7 Hectares 31.8 Ares. SCHEDULE-B 550 Sq.ft., Undivided share in all that piece and parcel of land comprised in Schedule A to this Document. Building Approval DTCP No.14086/2008. SCHEDULE-C Two Bedroom Flat in 3rd Floor, Apartment-D with extent of 1100 Sq.ft including the common area in Block No:16 and a Covered Car Park in the Ground Floor as per the plan ad Specification enclosed.
    Nellikuppam, Kanchipuram
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    EMD submission
    Wed, 07 Aug 2024 05:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Fri, 09 Aug 2024 11:00 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Fri, 09 Aug 2024 12:00 PM
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