Tiruneiveli District, Sivagiri Taiuk, Tenká Registration District, Puliyangudi Sub Registrar Office, Puliyangucii Village, Punja S,No, 335 within the extent of 6271.5625 Sq, ft, equivalent to 582.642 Sq.mt , out of 1 Acre 47 Cent which is Northern end of 1 Acre 70 cents Within the measurement of East to West Northern end – 39.25 ft, East to West Southern end - 37 ft, South to North Western end -170 feet (Including half Portion of 16 feet East to west street) South to North Eastern End -159 feet Total Extent 6271.5625 sq.ft Which is Equivalent to 582.642 Sq.mt Within the Boundaries of East by Land Belongs to Sundarpandian ( Borrower) West by Land belongs to vanniyan and Murugan South by East to West Street North by East to West Pathyway.