All that piece and parcel of the residentially converted land bearing Sy no. 12, measuring 8 acres, 36 Guntas, (converted
vide official memorandum dated 18/6/2005, bearing No. ALN/SR(DE)113/2005-06, issued by the Special Deputy
Commissioner, Doddabalapura), situated at Guduvanahalli Village, Vijayapura Hobli, Devanahalli Taluk, Bangalore
Rural District, with all rights, appurtenances whatsoever hereunder or underneath or above the surface and bounded on
East by: Dodda Thatramangala Village Boundary;
West by : Road,
North by: Property bearing Sy no. 8 and 10 and Chikka Thatramangala Village;
South by: Road and Property bearing Sy no. 4.
All that piece and parcel of Residential vacant site bearing no. 86, Khata no. 81 in BIAAPA approved layout, known as
“SRIVEN SERENITY”, formed in the Schedule “A” property, situated at Guduvanahalli Village, Vijayapura Hobli,
Devanahalli Taluk, Bangalore, with all rights, appurtenances whatsoever hereunder or underneath or above the surface
measuring, East to West 40 feet, North to South 30 feet, Totally measuring 1200 Sq feet. For Site bearing no. 86 and
bounded on the;
Site No. 86
East by: Road
West by: Site no. 81
North by: Site no. 85
South By: Site no. 87