DESCRIPTION OF LAND All that property bearing Katha No 255 in the land bearing Survey no 148/2B2 and 148/3B2, situated at Vibhutipura Village, Annasandrapalya, KrishnarajapuraHobli, Bangalore East Taluk, earlier Bangalore South Taluk, Bangalore, now comes under Bruhath Bangalore MahanagaraP Palike area, measuring 65993 sq ft and bounded by East- III Main Road and thereafter portion of Sy no 148/3B2, retained by the Owners/Vendors, West - Private Property and Road, North - Road, South - Private Property and Road DESCRIPTION OF FLAT All that part and parcel of Residential Flat bearing no 211 on the Second Floor in the Apartment building known as 'GOPALAN ROYAL PALMS constructed on property described above together with 380 sqft of undivided share, right, title, interest and ownership inland and having 836 sqft of super builtup area along with one covered car parking space