Guntur District, Mangalagiri SRO, Tadepalli
Mandal, Tadepalli Municipality, Tadepalli Town, R S No:
113/1, Nearest Door No:12-457/31 an extent of 4840
Sq. Yards of site, out of which an undivided and
unspecified to an extent of 45.0 Sq. yards n apartment
Complex, under the name and style of "Maruthi Enclave" Where in a Two bed room flat bearing
No.511 in fourth Floor having a plinth area of 982 asq. Feet common area of 100 Sq. feet and
car parking area of 100 Sq.feet
Guntur District, Mangalagiri SRO, Tadepalli
Mandal,Tadepalli Town an apartment
Complex, "Maruthi Enclave" Where in a Two bed room flat bearing
No.511 in fourth plinth area of 982 Sq Feet