Equitable morgage of property Piece and parcel of the land are about 1 cottah 7 chittak 15 sqft situated a: Mouza -Naopara, JL. No.9, RS Khatian NO.113,R S Dag No.121,122,Premises No. 33/77,N.C Das Road, P.S- Baranager, Kolkata - 700090 under Baranagar Municipaliy, Ward No.16 (New), Holding No.140, Butted & Bounded By. -On the North: Premises No. 33/71, On the South: Premises No.36/2, On the East: 12ft Muncipal Road, On the west: Land of premises no. 42/29 & 33/62. Deed of conveyance no. 03527/2019 of ARA. N, Kolkata.