Property under Golf Green Police Station, earlier jurisdiction P.S. Jadavpur. Equitable mortgage of all that one entire third floor Flat measuring 1300 sq. ft. super built up area on the third floor of the ground plus three storied building consisting of three bed rooms, one living cum dining, one kitchen, one toilet and one verandah including the proportionate share of stair, staircase landing top foor roof right and all other common right, common areas and facilities and common passages provided to the said building and also together with undivided proportionate share of the land measuring Cottahs 10 Chittacks 18 sq. ft. be the same or little more or less being Municipal Premises No. 45. Anjuman Ara Begum Row. Kolkata within the limits of Kolkata 700033 Municipal Corporation Ward No. 94. P.S. Golfgreen, earlier P.S. Jadavpur. District South 24 Parganas By Deed No. 2472 of 2006. property is in the name of Mr. Sandip Biswas and Mr. Sudip Biswas