Flat no. 504, on 5th floor, admeasuring 1055 sq ft built up area in Hormuzd Appartments at 131 Gowalia Tank Road (now named August Kranti Marg), Kemps Corner, Mumbai - All that piece or parcel of land being a portion of Hilly land formerly known as "RYGOON HILL"with the hereitaments and structure standing thereon approximately admeasuring according to the title deeds 2882 sq yds, less 118 sq yds acquired in 1963 for road widening equal to 2764 sq yds, equivalent to 2210.70 sq mtrs or thereabouts and according to the C S extract 2935 sq yds, less 118 sq yds acquired equivalent to 2817 sqyds, equal to 2355.012 sq mtrs, or thereabout and assessed by the collector of Land revenue under Old No. 675, New No. 3032 Old S no. 33, New S No. 7148 & 7150 and C S No. 567, 567(part) of Malabar & Cumballa Hill Divivsion, situated in Mumbai without the Fort formerly in the Sub District of Mandvi now in the registration Sub District of Mumbai Encumbrance known to bank: Nil