All that the Self-contained residential Flat, being Flat No. 7, on the 3rd Floor, at the Western oriented portion area measuring 705 Sq.ft super built up area more or less consisting of 2 bed rooms, 1 dining cum drawing room, 1 kitchen, balcony and 2 toilets (Floor Mosaic), of the Three Storied residential building, situated and lying at and being Municipal Premises No. 87/12/3A, Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Ward No. 99, P.S. Netajinagar, Kolkata-700047 (Postal Address of the property is A1/17, Ramgarh Colony, P.S. Netajinagar, Kolkata-700047) together with undivided proportionate share of the land and in the said building along with all rights of egress and ingress through the common passages and the electric wiring fittings water connection and other facilities. The building and is butted and bounded : On the North : By 16-0ft wide road. On the South : By Tank Land. On the East : By Premises No.87/12/1A, Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata - 700047.On the West : By Premises No.A/1/17, Ramgarh Colony, Kolkata-700047.