Description of the Property: Non-agricultural industrial property held on leasehold right situated at Industrial area of Badaga Ullipady Village of Gurupura Hobli of Mangaluru Taluk within the registration sub District of Mangaluru Taluk, D K District. With all mamool and easementary right of way, water and other rights appurtenant thereto. Item No.1- RS. No. 85/4B (Part), 85/8A2(part), 90/7A (Part), 90/8 (part), measuring AC: 0.40 (Industrial site), Bounded by: North: Block No. 5-C, South: Block No. 5-B, East: 100 feet wide road, West: Block No. 5-C. Item No.2 - 85/4B, 90/7A, 90/8, measuring A-C: 1-00 i.e. 100.00 cents (industrial site) Block No. 5-C in EPIP, Bounded by: North - 100 feet wide road & private property, South: Block No. 4-B, East : Block N o. 4-C (Part), 5 B & 5C (Part), West: Private property. Item No.3: RS No. 90/7A (Part) (as per RTC 90/7AP1) 90/7B (Part) (As per RTC 90/7B P1) and 90/8 (Part) measuring 0-70 acre (Industrial site) Measuring 2832.79 sq. mtrs (As per 9& 11A), Block No. 4-B in EPIP Bounded by: North: Private Property, South: 60 feet wide KIADB Road & Block No. 5A, 4-C & 4(P), East: Block No. 5C & 5-A, 4C & 4(P), West: Block 4-A. (TOTAL:2 acres 10 cents) Status of Possession (Constructive/Physical): Physical. Name of the Mortgager : Mrs. Ayesha Farzana.