Land and Building over Khata No.: 696, Plot No.:1797, Mouza: Kuranga Padhan at P.S.: Cuttack Sadar No. 179, Tahasil-Baranga No. 376,Cuttack, Total admeasuring Area:Ac.2.00dec. (a)Ac.0.2529dec. leased to M/s Shreedhara Dairy and Agrovet Pvt. Ltd. by Lessor- Mr. Sunil Kumar Panda, and(b) Ac.1.7471 dec. free hold portion of land in the name of Sunil Kumar Panda.
Ac 0.2529 dec leased to M BY s Shreedhara Dairy and Agrovet Pvt. Ltd. By Lessor- Mr Sunil Kumar Panda, and Ac 1.7471 dec. free hold portion of land in the name of Sunil Kumar Panda