Lot No. (1): All that piece & parcel of Immovable Industrial Property situated at RS No. 102/2 Paiki, Plot No. 1, "Akshar Cotton Industries", Near Akshar Spintex, Near Angel Fibers Ltd, Kalavad Haripar Road, Haripar, Kalavad, Jamnagar - 361013 including Hypothecated Plant & Machinery (Cotton Ginning & Pressing) lying at Factory Premises. Value of Plant and Machinery: Rs. 28,80,000/- Value of Factory Land & Building: Rs. 1,83,20,000/- (GST will be applicable on Plant & Machinery Value as per Rules), Boundaries: East: 12 Mts Wide Road, West: R.S No. 4, North : R.S No. 102 Paiki 1, South: Plot No. 2, Encumbrance Known to the Bank: Nil