Item No.2: Equitable Mortgage of all that Piece and Parcel of Land with Building Situated at Plot No.4 Westem Part. in SRI RAMNAGARY Perumalpattu, Comprised in Survey No. 285/3. 285/4 and 287/5. Patta No. 6788 as Per Patta Survey No. 285/3-7 of No.89. Perumalpattu Village, Thiruvallur Taluk, Thiruvallur District, measuring an extent of 1200 Sq.ft., and the and being bounded on the: North by: 30 Feet Road, South by: PlotNo.14 East by: Plot No. 4 Eastern Part, West by: Plot No. 3 In all admeasuring 1200 Sq.ft., land together with building. The property is situated within the Sub-Registration District of Thiruvallur and Registration District of Kanchipuram. Property is in the name of Mr.Alagu Muthu Rajesh S/o Mr.Subramaniam