All that part and parcel of the property consisting of 8.25 Ares in Re- Survey No.124/5-2 (Old Survey No.466/4-B) of Palamel Village, in Block No.21 of Mavelikara Taluk, within the registration Sub- district Nooranad SRO and District Alappuzha, Kerala state In the name of Mr. Sujith Balance & Mrs. Vijayasree K Boundaries: North: 11 feet Private Road South: Property owned by Karthikeyan East: Property owned by Rugmini and Nadarajan West: Panchayat Road
8.25Ares of property in Re Sy no. 124 BY 5-2 Old Sy No. 466 BY 4- B of Palamel Village, in Block No. 21 of Mavelikkara Taluk, Alappuzha District