(Shop nos.100A, 204A, 205A, 206A, 407B, 408B, 409B, 201A, 202A, 203A, 401B, 402B, 403B, 404B, 405B, 406B) Shop Bearing no.100-A (Area 123.50 Sq.ft), on the ground floor of Building Boundaries- East-Open Space and B Wing, West-Open Space and Main Bypass Road, North-Open Space and Approach Road, SouthShop No 101/A Shop Bearing No 204-A-(Area 206.56Sq.Ft.),205-A(Area 212.16 Sq.Ft.), 206-A(Area 224.25 Sq.Ft.) on the 1st floor of Building A The common boundaries- East-Open Space and B Wing, WestMain Entrance and Main Bye-Pass Road, North-Shop No 203/A, South-Open Space and Compound Wall Building A ,Field survey No 43 of which layout converted plot no 18 and 19 on which commercial complex constructed named Sant Gajanan Complex Mouje Benoda, Pragane Badnera ,Tq and Dist. Amravati Mortgagor- Shailesh Wasudeo Chourasia Shop Bearing no.407-B (Area 484.49 Sq.Ft.), 408-B (Area 497.80 Sq.Ft), 409-B (Area 403 Sq.Ft.), on the 1st floor of Building B, The common boundaries- East-Open Space and Petkars residence, West-Open space and Wing –A, North-Shop no.406-B, South-Open space and compound wall Field survey No 43 of which layout converted plot no 18 and 19 on which commercial complex constructed named Sant Gajanan Complex Mouje Benoda, Pragane Badnera , Tq and Dist. Amravati Mortgagor- Shailesh Wasudeo Chourasia
Building A Shop nos 100A 201A 202A 203A 204A 205A 206A and Building B Shop nos 401B 402B 403B 404B 405B 406B 407B 408B 409B