All that Pieces and Parcel of N.A. Land of Village Sarla Bearing Revenue Survey No. 107/1, 108, 109/1 Paikee, Plot No. 6, Land Admeasuring 429.58 Sq. Mts. With construction of Eight shops on it paikee, shop No. 1 to 6, Land admeasuring 161.80 Sq. Mts. & additional shop NO. 7 and open Land admeasuring 285.33 Sq. Yards of Village Sarla, Tal: Muli, Dist: Surendranagar standing in the name of Shri Shaileshbhai Mahadevbhai Prajapati (Jotaniya) (Equitable Mortgage of which registered vide No. 984 with S.R.O. Muli.