All that piece and parcel of the Residential Vacant Site situated at Valivarthipadu Road, Valivarthipadu Village and Panchayat, Gudivada Sub Registry. Gudivada Rural Mandal Krishna District, R.S. No.69 an extent 1200 Sq. Yds or 1003.32 Sq.mts (as on Ground 1054 Sq.yds or 881.27 qmts) out of western side an extent of Ac.0.50 cents out of Ac.2.00 cts is Bounded by: North: Land of Sayani Venkata Subba Rao Etc - 174'-2". South: Passage left in schedule property and there after land of Durgam Srinivasa Rao - 174'-2", East Land of Proposed Vendor 62'-0, West Road - 62'-0". Property ID : BARBNAGSANDHL