Residential Flat No. B2, on the 1st Floor, "Neha Appartment". area (SBU)-751 sq. ft. in Mouza-Podrah J.L. no.-38, R.S. Dag no 321, L.R. Dag No. 321, L.R. Dag No. 343, R.S. Khatian no. 83. L.R. Khatian No. 1319, New L.R. Khatian No. 6539,6542,6540. P.O. Podrah, P.S. Sankrail under Podrah Gram Panchayet, District-Howrah Pin- 711109 in the name of borrower The total property is bounded by North: Property of Dilip Nag, South: Property of M Das, East: 1'-0" ft wide common drain & West by-12'-0" ft. wide common passage. The Flat is bounded by North: Stair Case and Lift and thereafter Flat No. 'A-2', South: Open to Sky, East: Open to Sky, West: Open to Sky.