All that part & parcel of residential flat admeasuring 987 sq ft & building situated at Flat no-D4, 4th floor of Usha Kamal Apartment at Kanjial Para, RS & Hal Dag no-387 under RS Khaitan no-408, JL no-13, Re sano-198, LR Khaitan no 5264 and 5265 lying and situated at Mouza-Reckjoani, under Raharahat Bishnupur Gram Panchayet no-1, P.S-Rajarhat, District-North 24 Parganas, Kolkata-700135. Boundaries of the property: On the North: Land of R.S Dag no- 387(part.) On the East: Common passage. On the South: Land of R.S Dag no-387 (part). On the West: Other's land. Boundaries of the flat: On the North: Flat no D-5. On the East: Open space and road. On the South: Open space of land owners. On the West: Flat no D3 & staircase.