Flat in Pedapalakaluru, Guntur Bank of India Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    Mr. Puchakayala Mohan Krishna
    Bank Name
    Bank of India
    Property Type
    Schedule A :- All that part and parcel of property situated at Guntur District, Nallapadu sub-district, Adavitakkellapdu area and presently within the limits of Guntur municipal corporation area. Pedapalakaluru village, D No. 277/2A, an extent of Ac. 0.38 cents and No 277/2B an extent of Ac 0.37 cents in total Ac 0.75 cents out of which an extent of 750 Sq. yds of site in which an apartment is built in the name of "SATWI residency (Within the 9th block) is bounded by Boundaries of the property East Property sold by Pakeera Reddy to others-90'00" South: Property sold by Korrapadi Rama Rao to others-75'-00" West Jayanthi Nagar, 1" Line 30 ft wide Road - 90'- 00' North:Property of Maddirala Ankamma & Maddirala Venkateswara Rao -75'-00" Within these boundaries an apartment is built in the name of SATWI residency" as per Schedule A. out of it an undivided and unspecified share measuring to an extent of 40 Sq. yards or 33.445 Sqm in which one flat in the fourth floor, Flat No: 502 of SATWI RESIDENCY" with a plinth area of 1075 Sq. ft (including common area and car parking area) in the name of Mr. Puchakayala Mohan Krishna Boundaries of the Flat East Common Corridor, South: Open to Sky & Common Staircase, West: Open to Sky, North: Open to Sky Within the above boundaries of flat along with in stilt floor and rights over common amenities and passages including common parking and car parking area only. The google co-ordinates were Longitude-16 '328744' N and Latitude-80°417101'E
    1075 Sq Ft
    Pedapalakaluru, Guntur
    Reserve Price
    Reserve Price (per Sq Ft)
    3,201 per Sq Ft
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Fri, 25 Oct 2024 10:00 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Fri, 25 Oct 2024 05:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    Contact :- 0863-2216387 / 11481
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