All that piece or parcel of property being Flat no A/706, having carpetarea admeasuring 61 square meters & 3.20 Square meters of Balc ony area on 7th floor of Shalin Heights-5, scheme together with undivided share in the land admeasuring 28.60 Square meters out of N.A land for 5107 Square meters comprising of (1) 1375 Square meters of land of final Plot No 25/1/1(allotted in lieu of 2292 Square meters of land of Revenue Survey No56/1paiki)&(2)3732Square metersofland Final Plot No 25/2/1 (allo ted in lieu of 6220 Square meters ofland of revenue Survey No 56/2/1 of T.P. Scheme No 73(Vinzol) situated, lying and being at mouje Vinzol, Taluka Vatva, within the Registration Sub District Ahmedabad-11(Ashali) and District Ahmedabad also together with undivided rights in common amenities and facilities provided in the said Shalin Heights 5" scheme and said flat is bounded as follows East : Flat No A-703, West : Society Common Road, North : Block D. South: Flat No A-702. (Property is und er Physical Possession).