Individual House in Panickampatti, Tirupur Bank of India Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    M/s Rajalakshmi Fabrics
    Bank Name
    Bank of India
    Property Type
    individual house
    Description of the Immovable Property Item No.1: EQM of land & industrial Building situated at S.F.No: 99, Door.No.1/298A,1/298B, KuttuPatta No.733, Velankaduthottam, Panickampatti Village-Chinniyagoundan Palayam, Panickampatti Post, Palladam Taluk, Tirupur in the name of Mrs.K.Rajalakshmi. Extent of land:1.21 acres. Boundaries as under: Item No.1a.- S.F.No.99 with Extent 92 Cents North of Extent measuring 92 cents belonging to R.Palanisamy South of Extent measuring 53 cents retained by Settlor East of Extent measuring 29 cents West of Properties of Venkatachala Gounder Item No.1b.- S.F.No.99 with Extent 29 Cents North of Properties of Rangasamy Gounder South of Extent measuring 15 cents in S.F.No.100/2 belonging to Settlor East of Extent measuring 49 cents retained by Settlor West of Extent retained by Settlor and R.Palanisamy Total Extent Measuring 1.21 Acres (92 Cents + 29 Cents) Latitude-Longitude: 10.988648 77.257770 Item No.2: EQM of land and industrial building situated at S.F.No. 100/2D,100/2B,99/1, Door No.1/298,Velankadu thottam, Chinniyagoundanpalayam, Panickam patti Village and Panchayat, Palladam Taluk, Tirupur district in the name of Mr. R. Mayilsamy, Extent : 1.09 acres (Item No.2 comprises of item no.2a, item no.2b and item no.2c) Boundaries as under: Item No.2a, S.F.No.100/2D Extent 52 Cents North of Extent measuring 92 cents belonging to Mayilsamy South of Extent measuring 43 cents belonging to Mayilsamy East of Properties of Rangasamy West of Properties of Venkatachala Gounder Item No.2b, S.F.No.100/2B Extent 14 Cents North of Extent measuring 43 cents South of Properties of Rangasmy Gounder and East West Cart Track East of Extent measuring 15 cents belonging to Palanisamy West of Extent measuring 15 cents belonging to Mayilsamy Item No.2c, S.F.No.99/1 Extent 43 Cents North of Properties of Rangasmy Gounder South of Extent measuring 15 cents belonging to R.Palanisamy in S.F.No.100/2 East of Chinniyagoundenpalayam Sakkiliyur Natham West of Properties of Rangasmy Gounder and extent measuring 29 cents belonging to Mayilsamy Total Extent Measuring 1.09 Acres (52 Cents + 14 Cents + 43 Cents) Latitude-Longitude: 10.988765 77.257435 Item No.3: EQM of land & industrial Building situated at S.F no: 100/2B, 100/2D, D.No.1/296, 1/297, Kootupatta No.251, Velanthottam, Panickampatti Village, Chinniyagoundanpalayam, Panickampatti Post, Palladam, Tirupur in the name of Mrs. K. Rajalakshmi, Extent of land: 0.87 acres (Item No.3 comprises of item no.3a, item no.3b and item no.3c) Boundaries as under: Item No.3a- S.F.No 100/2, as per sub division 100/2D Extent 29 Cents North of Properties of Venkatachala Gounder South of Properties of Palanisamy Gounder East of Extent measuring 43 cents and Lands belonging to Palanisamy Gounder West of Properties of Chinna Navidhan Item No.3b - S.F.No 100/2, as per sub division 100/2D Extent 43 Cents North of Extent measuring 53 cents retained by Mayilsamy South of Properties of Palanisamy Gounder East of Properties of Rangasamy Gounder West of Extent measuring 29 cents Item No.3c - S.F.No 100/2, as per sub division 100/2B Extent 15 Cents North of Lands in S.F.No.99/1 belonging to Rajalakshmi South of Properties of Rangasamy Gounder and Common Cart Track East of Properties retained by Mayilsamy West of Properties of Rangasmy Gounder. Total Extent Measuring 0.87 Acres (29 Cents + 43 Cents + 15 Cents) Latitude-Longitude: 10.98878 77.25718
    1.21 acres
    Panickampatti, Tirupur
    Reserve Price
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    Auction Start Date & Time
    Fri, 25 Oct 2024 11:00 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Fri, 25 Oct 2024 05:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    Phone No : (0422) 2397221 & 2383074
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