Industrial Property/ Land, Factory Building, Structure, Shed, Plant and Machinery in the name of Super Oxytech Pvt. Ltd., situated at previously part of Holding No. 147/1 and now 147/1/20, 147/1/21 and 147/1/22, J. N. Mukherjee Road within Howrah Municipal Corporation, Ward No. 4, Ghusuri, P.S. Malipanchghora, Dist. Howrah, Pincode: 711102, West Bengal, India, in the name of M/s Super Oxytech Pvt. Ltd. Extent of the Site: 10.64 Cottah Boundaries of the Property: North: By 20' wide Common Passage, South: By Other's Factory, East By 23" wide Common Passage, West By Sitara Bhavan & Other's Factory.