EQM of bastu land of 10 Chittack (0.625 Cottah) and two storied residential building measuring covered area of 450 Sq Ft at ground floor & 503 Sq Ft at first floor, be the same a little more or less situated at 12/58 satish Chakraborty lane, P.O & P.S Bally, Dist. Howrah, Pin-711201 appertaining to Mouza Bally, J.L. No-14, R.S khatian No- 6343, Dag No-12072(Part), Under Bally P.S. in the name of Rabindral Nath Das S/o Haripada das vide registered Partition Deed No- I-5428 of 2004 executed on 25-11-2004 and Registered Gift Deed No-1-3170 of 2006 executed on 16-05-2006 registered with the office of the A.D.S.R Howrah. Boundaries of the Property: North: By house of Sunil Dutta, South: By 5'-6" wide common Passage Road. East: By house of Nepal Das. West: By 5'-6" wide common Passage Road.