All that piece and parcel of immovable residential property of Mrs. Rasilaben Ashokkumar Shah, Mr. Rinkesh Ashokkuman Shah and Late. Ashokkumar Navalmal Shah(through legal heirs): 1 Mrs. Rasilaben Ashokkumar Shah(wife) 2. Mr. Rinkesh Ashokkumar Shah(son) 3. Mr. Ankush Ashokkumar Shahi son) Flat No 104 on 1 st Floor admeasuring 188 Sq. yardsia 157.19 sq. mtrs (super built up area) along with undivided share in the land in the scheme famously known as "SHREE BALAJI RESIDENCY-2" constructed on Non Agricultural land bearing Survey No 106/1/28 TF PScheme No 23, Final Plot No 167 situated being lying at Mouje: Acher Taluka: Sabarmati, in the Registration District Ahmeda abad and Sub-District of Ahmedabad-2 Vadaj). East: Bhagwati Soc.. T.P. Finalplot No. 181, West: Flat No. 103, North: Flat No.102 South: T.P. Final plot No. 168 Suman galam Flat (Property is under Symbolic Possession).