All that the Property Southern Side of House bearing Municipal No. 8-4-380/1/4, (PTIN No. 1100801091), in Survey No. 77, admeasuring 174 square yards or equivalent to 145.46 square meters, out of total land admeasuring 612 square yards or 511.63 square meters,Situated at Prem Nagar, Erragadda, Hyderabad, Telangana State., and standing in the name of Mr. Nithya Venkatesu KallaBounded by ::-Boundaries of the Total Property: NORTH :Northern Side Portion of House No. 8-4-380/1/4,SOUTH : Road,EAST : House No.8- 4-380/1/3,WEST :House No.8-4-380/1/5/6