All that piece and parcel of House site bearing plot No.20, Measuring an extent of 2168 Sq. ft. G Street, Devi Vaishnavi Nagar, Thirumullaivoyal, Chennai-600062 comprised in Old Survey No.698/2A3B-Part, Old Survey No.698/2A3B1A1, as per Patta No.5587, New Survey No.698/2A3B2 Aa per Ambattur Town Survey Field Register (Patta) issued under Ref No. 1459/2015 dated 27.02.2015, by the Zonal Deputy Thasildar, Ambattur, bearing New T.S.No.112. (old S.No.698/2A2B-Part &698/2A2- part), Ward No-D, Block No.73, Thirumullaivoyal Village, Presently Avadi Taluk, Thiruvallur District, and within the Sub Registration District of Ambattur, and with the Registration District of chennai North and Bounded on the, North by: Plot No. 19. South by: Plot No.21, East by: 20Feet Road, West by: Plot No. 12 and 13. Measuring: East to West on the northern Side: 57 Feet, East to West on the Southern side: 53.5 Feet, North to South on the Eastern Side: 38.5 Feet, North to South on the Western Side: 40 Feet. Schedule 'B' (Undivided Share of Land) 279 Sq. Ft. Undivided Share of Land out of Schedule A of Property. Schedule 'C' (Purchased Flat) Flat No. S-2, in the Second Floor with Built up of area of 644 Sq. Ft (including common area) situated at No.20, Srinivasa Apartment, G Street, Devi Vaishnavi Nagar, Ward No-D, Block No.73, Thirumullaivoyal Village, Presently Avadi Taluk, Thiruvallur District