Registered Mortgage of All the pieces and parcels of Flat No:301, 3rd floor," Shrivasta Heights Apartment bearing Final Plot No:34/5B, Sub Plot No:24/8B, TP No:1, CTS No: 10388, situated at New Pachhapeth, Solapur Municipal Corporation City limits, Solapur admeasuring Carpet Area 57.51Sq. mts and built up area 69.01 Sq. mtrs. Property Owned By Mr.Revansidda Rudramani Puranik Co-Borrower Mrs Bhagyashree Revansidda Puranik Boundaries as follow: - East :- FP No: 34/5B, Sub Plot No:24/8A West :-FP No:34/5B, Sub Plot No:24/7 South:- Duct, Staircase, Passage lift and Flat No:302 North:- Road