All that piece and parcel of house site measuring an extent of 875 sq.ft and 428 sq.ft totally measuring 1303 sq.ft in S.No.141/2, as per Tambaram Town Survey Field Register Old Survey No.141/2 part, Survey Field.149/6, Ward no.F, Block No.16, Roja Thottam, 2 nd Street, Situated in No.31 Irumbuliyur Village, Tambaram Taluk, Kancheepur am District. In this undivided share of 292 sq.ft and building thereat, First floor flat measuring an extent of 596 sq.ft bounded as North – Samuel Wesley and other property South – Shankars Property East – 20 ft road West – Land in S.No.142 Measuring North & South both sides 37 ¼ feet East & West both sides 35 feet