All those pieces& parcelof property withconstruction n6 fixture there being Glying at i) Sheds, structure. Premises as described herein below togetherwith Equipment Plants, Machineries Furnitures and Fixtures on Gat no.9/2 Adm 0.81 H. of Mouje Shekapur, Sub Registrar Office Achalpur, Tq Achalpur, Dist Amravati Bounded as - East-Agri land of Mr. Kalu Khan, West-Agriland of Mr. Agrawal, North Achalp pur Bhugaon Road, South-Remaining Agril Land of Ra amabai Owned by Shri Dineshjaisinghpure I Type of possession . Physical ii) Mouje Shekapur, Field Gat No. 9/2, Adm 2h 83r, UponWhich Poultry Shed constructed Thereon SUDR RegistrarOffice, Achalpur, Tq Achalpur Dist. Amravati, Bounded as- East- Agril Lane of Mr. Kalu Khan, West - Agril Land of Mr. Agrawal, North- Agri Land of Dinesh jaisinghpure South- Agri LandOfAb Rauf