All that piece and parcel of N.A. rand admeasuring total about 129 R i.e. 12900 sq. meters situated at Gat No. 185, Mouje Harishchandri, Tal Bhor within the jurisdiction of sub Registrar Bhor, Dist. Pune. Together with building Constructed/to be constructed thereafter and together with permissible FSI and TDR that may permitted to load on the said plots along with all easementary rights, Appurtenances ingress, Egress and incidental and ancillary rights thereto bounded as under- Gat No. 185 - East: by Property out of Gat No 183 South: by Property out of Gat No. 186 West: By Gat No. 209 & 215 North: By remaining property out of Gat No. 185. Together with easement, Egress as common right and other incidental and ancillary rights. And All that piece and parcel of land admeasuring area 318 sq. meters i.e. South - North 26.5 meters' x East - west area 12 meters situated at Gat No 184. out of total area of 0 H 39 R + Potkharaba OH 14 R, total area 0 H 53 R at Mouje Harishchandri, Taluka Bhor, Dist. Pune. Gat No. 184 - East: By Remaining area out of Gat no 183 South: By Remaining area out of Gat no 183 West: By Remaining area out of Gat no 184 North: By National Highway No4. Together with easement, Egress as common right and other incidental and ancillary rights. Note: Valuation Excluding Plant & machinery