DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY Immovable property situated at Dindugal Registration District, Nagal Nayakanpatti Sub Registration District, Dindugal Taluk, Adiyanooth Village, Old Patta No.229, Survey No.335/4, Sub Division Patta No. 104, Survey No.335/4A 335/4B, divided into plots named Annai Nagar, Survey No.335/4B, Plot No. 18 vacant land measuring 2389 sq.ft and all other appurtenances, usufructs, easements, right of access attached thereto and improvements thereon and Bounded as : East : Plot No. 19, West : Plot No.17, North : 20 feet wide East West Road, South : Survey No.335/5B property. In this admeasuring East West both sides - 49feet, South North to East - 49 feet, South North West - 48 1/2 feet.
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