All that piece and parcel of Factory Land and Building known as Plot 104-A in the SIPCOT Industrial Complex at Ranipet Phase II within the Village limits of Narasingapuram, Taluk of Walajapet, measuring 0.75 Acres, bearing Survey No. 245 part and being bounded on the North by : Plot No. 104B, South by Plot No. 103, East by: Plot No. 51C and West by: 12.20m Road. Linear Measurements East to West on the North: 97.00m East to West on the South: 120.50m (85.30 + 35.20). North to South on the East: 37.00m(25.00+ 12.00). North to south on the West: 36.00m In all admeasuring an extent of 0.75 Acres and Situated within the Registration District of Arakkonam and Sub-Registration District of Walaja Nagar