All that piece and parcel of converted land bearing survey No 42/1 with khata No 285/189/1, measuring 1 acre and 10 guntas (out of total extent of 1acre and 18 guntas situated at Chikkasanne Village Kasaba Hobli, Devanahalli Taluk, Bangalore rural district and converted for residential purpose vide official memorandum AAW(S) SR 82/2003- 04 and bounded as follows: East By: Land belonging to Sri Narayanappa and Mrs Munirathanamma, West By: Land belonging to Gundu Topu, North By: SanniAmmanikere Channel, South By: Doddasanne Road. SCHEDULE B OF PROPERTY 0.89% undivided share equivalent to 488 SqFt right and interest in the Schedule A Property mentioned above with right to construct apartment No B-105 on the first floor measuring super built up area of 1051 Sq. Ft of the building complex called "SKYGOLD JEEVANKEERTHI COMMANDER'SAEROVIEW SCHEDULE C OF PROPERTY :Apartment No B-105, Village Panchayath PID No 150300201901021350 located on the first floor of the building "Skygold Jeevankerthi Commander's Aeroview Apartment measuring 1051 Sq. F1 super built up area one covered car parking and bounded on East by: Passage and Flat No B -104, West by: Set back area and drive way, North by: Set back area and Flat No B-106, South by: Set back area and drive way