All that Residential flat No. A-103 on the first floor A Wing of "Julie-Yo-Residency" apartment bearing DNo.3-316/B measuring 1264 Sq.Ft.(117.47 Sq.Mts) Super Built up area along with one open car parking slot No.A-103 along with 2.72% undivided right/interest in common areas such as passages, lobbies, lifts, staircases and other areas of common use of the said apartment building along with 2.72% undivided right non agricultural immovable property in Sy.No&SD.No: 333/3 extent 40 cents sitautaed at Ankada Katte, Koteshwara Village, within the limts of SRO Kundapura, Kundapura Taluk, Udupu District having following boundaries. Boundaries: East : Portion of same SD, West Portion of this S.No.59/4B2C South : Portion of same SD, North Portion of same SD