All that commercial flat on the First Floor measuring about 1100 Sq.ft. Super Built up area built and constructed at or upon the plot of land measuring about 5 Cottahs 2 Chittacks be the same little more or less comprised in Mouza - Chakraghata J.L. No. 26 L.O.P. No. 458. appertaining to L.R. Khatian Nos. 4106, 4105, 4107. 4108, 4126, 4127, 4128 and 4129 under R.S. Dag No. 413 L.R. Dag No. 2986. being Holding No. 204, Bankim Pally West P.S.- Barasat at present Madhyamgram, Ward No. 23 within the local limits of Madhyamgram Municipality, District - 24 Parganas (North). Kolkata - 700 129 in the name of M/s Panghat Tieup Private Limited Bounded by: On the North - By L.O.P No. 457. On the South- By 16 feet wide Municipal Road, On the East - L.O.P No. 459. On the West - L.O.P No. 454.