All that Part and Parcel of Property of Sri Sanat Charan (Borrower And Mortgagor). All that piece and parcel of self contained residential flat being Nos. 3A & 3B, On the 3rd floor having a super built up Area 1000 Sq.ft (More or Less) together with the undivided proportionate share of land measuring 02 Cottahs (More or Less) situated at Mouza - Arjunpur, J.L. No. 7. Touzi No. 1513, 181. Dag No. 468, under Khatian No. 254, R.S. No. 160, Ward No. Previous 22 at Present 24. Holding No. RGM-22/1577 and Premises No. BE-29/13 Deshbandhu Nagar, Baguiati, Kolkata- 700 059. P.S. - Previous Rajarhat at Present Baguiati, ADSR- Bidhannagar. The said Property is bounded as follows : On The North : Dag No. 468 (House of Ghosals), On The South: Dag No. 468 (House of Guptas). On The East- 16 Ft Wide Road On The West - Boundary Wall of House of Dattas