Immovable property situated within the municipal limits of Bilimora municipality, Tal. Gandevi, Dist. Navsari. A residential flat on the first floor of Green Park co-operative housing society ltd. bearing Flat No. 108. bearing Bilimora Municipal House No. 1836 (Old No 786/17), Tenement No. 10011836 admeasuring 87.54 sq. mtr of area with undivided share in the land below the building to the tune of 11.03 of land Said building is situated over the land bearing Bilimora City Survey Sheet No. 50 and city survey no. 3284/7 and revenue survey no. 432. situated at Desara within limit of Bilimora Nagarpalika, Tal. Gandevi, District Navsari in the state of Gujarat within jurisdiction of the sub Registrar Gandevi in the state of Gujarat. The boundaries are as: East: By the Flat No. 107, West: Apartment and Rajvi apartment North: Open Space, South by the common passage. Status of Possession: Symbolic Possession